Tuesday 30 August 2011

Monday 25trh July - Sunday 31st

The next morning we were woken up at 7am. It wasn’t bad at all. It came with a bucket of hot water! All I can say is the joy we all felt after 5 weeks of cold showers and here we were with a bucket of hot water. It was incredible. We were driven to the COTC by our host Mr F. The principle and the staff were very hospitable. We started the day with a meeting in his office to clarify our aims and objectives. We were then taken to the 2nd year classroom and formally introduced to the students. We spent the afternoon before lunch just checking and taking note of the ICT resources. After a nicely prepared lunch, we had a session in the evening teaching the basics of computers. We held one big class for two hours. Our conclusion from that day was to have two, 2 hour sessions, so that the students would get more practice with the different software we were teaching. We finished around 7pm and got home around 8pm. The next day we planned to start just before lunch because we knew our teaching wouldn’t start till the late afternoon. The rest of the week went on with the schedule. I have to admit it was a very tiring week, nevertheless it was absolutely rewarding. I can say on behalf of everyone we had an amazing time teaching the students. I mean, knowing you are teaching something that’s adding value to someone’s life is something I cannot explain. The students we were teaching were very enthusiastic and eager to learn which made us want to keep teaching no matter how tired we were. At the end of the week we made some friends and exchanged contacts :) .

Just to add to the already amazing week, we were invited to Mr F’s daughter’s wedding. After a hard weeks work we deserved a treat. The wedding was exquisite, lots of dancing and amazing food. The next morning, our last day, we woke up to yet another hot breakfast. Little did we know as we were just about to tuck in; Mr F had booked us seats on a good bus and announced that it would be “leaving in 20minutes”! We hadn’t finished packing and it was a 10 minute drive. After our last experience on a not so good bus from Dar we knew we had to get this one even if it meant saying bye to the beautiful breakfast. Well that didn’t happen: I ate and packed at the same time. He drove us to the bus station and the bus had just left. Luckily, the bus driver stopped for us and off we went.
Mr F is a great man, all the things he did for us just made the trip much more enjoyable and definitely easier. The journey was 5 hours. We arrived at the COTC to smiles and warm welcomes, I can say on behalf of everyone it was good to be home :) .


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